Florr.io Wiki

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Florr.io Wiki
Cute Florr
Are you looking for the current version of the Heavy petal? If so, please go to this page: https://official-florrio.fandom.com/wiki/Heavy. This page contains information about the legacy version of the Heavy petal.

Not to be confused with Heaviest, an Epic petal with a similar name

The Heavy (old) is an original common petal in florr.io. It has more health and deals more damage than the Basic, but recharges slower than it.


A circular, light gray petal with a dark gray outline, much larger than a Basic.


Damage: 20 HP

Durability: 20 HP

Respawn time: 5.5 sec

Distance from original orbit is decreased upon expansion and contraction compared to other petals. It may be similar to heaviest in size, but slightly smaller.



Mobs and their drop rates
Mobs Drop Chance (In %) Fraction (General) Fraction with 1 as numerator Decimal
Rock 10% (1/10) Same as Said 0.1
Boulder 83% (83/100) (1/1.20481927711) 0.83


It's pretty easy to obtain:

  • The three ways to get it:
    • Rocks
    • Boulders
    • That bully who likes to WHACK!



  • This petal is very good for the first 10 or so levels, being able to deal decent amounts of damage to mobs or other players, allowing you to easily get unusual and rare petals. While respawn is longer than most petals, it's not that long and generally shouldn't be a problem.
  • Damage and durability is slightly higher than that of the basic, making it useful for dealing early damage, but not as good as other petals like Stinger and Iris.
    • That being said, once you start getting better petals, you should delete these.
  • There is a troll you can use with these with the Boulder build. Essentially, many players will underestimate the power of heavy petals, so they'll run into them, taking a lot of damage.


  • You should wear these down with fast respawning petals or other tanky petals and then strike at the player when the Heavy is defeated.
  • While reloading, this petal creates a gap which creates a weak point in the florr's defense. Hit this point to deal damage.



  • It's the rarest Common petal, only dropping from rocks and boulders, but still very easy to find.
  • It has the longest respawn, most damage, and highest durability of Common petals.
  • This petal does not exist on the new Florr.io
Common Basic Fast Heavy
Unusual Iris Leaf Rose Stinger Twin
Rare Bubble Cactus Dandelion Faster Honey Missile
Peas Rock Screenshot 2020-02-17 at 8.37.38 PM Salt Web Wing
Epic Cactus (Epic) Corn Eggicon Heaviest Peas (Epic) Pollen Rice. Rose (Epic) Triplet Yin Yang
Legendary AntennaeInGame. Tractus Eggepic Legendary Peas Stinger-0 Imagen1
Unique Basic-Unique Square Unique